Chicken Gizzards, 8 oz

Product image 1Chicken Gizzards, 8 oz
Product image 2Chicken Gizzards, 8 oz

Chicken Gizzard is a lost food. Once, a highly valued meat only reserved for the head of the household. Now our high society focuses on the "more valuable" portions of the chicken and often lose sight of the more nutritious portions. A law in meat says "The most nutrient dense meats are the muscles used the most." Gizzard falls squarely into that category. There are many great recipes and cooking methods out there for chicken gizzard. In addition, in order to be responsible consumers, we must consider the organ meats. Our Pastured, Soy-Free, Corn-Free Chicken Gizzards are an excellent addition to your diet.

  • 8 oz.
  • 16 oz.

Regular price $3.95

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