Welcome to the Northstar Blog.

Where we share thought provoking perspectives on land, animal, and human health, because after all, we're connected.

Meet the Authors of the Tribe


Co-Founder, Chief of Sales & Sourcing

Mary has a sign on her fridge that says; "Love People, Cook them Good Food."

That pretty much sums up who she is. She loves people and, therefore, loves helping them live well. Mary's compassion for people permeates the office and out into our company culture at large. She's down-to-earth with 10 siblings, Mom to 4, and Grandma to 9 so family and relationships are her world. You'll be refreshed by her simple & delightful recipes, her extensive naturopathic knowledge supported by her background in dietetics, as well as her overall exuberance, positivity, and love for life. If you're having a tough day, call the office with a question or an order. You'll be thankful you did.  


Content Creator. Son of Mary & Lee. Brother to Marielle.

Sean, son of Lee & Mary, has been there, done that. Growing up on the ranch plopped him in the thick of the ranching operation, building fence, working bison, making hay, etc. At 17, he moved into the processing plant to work in packaging and clean-up for $8 an hour. Sean continued to stay diligent in learning and working his way through every facet from harvesting, to skinning and dressing, to cutting & packaging, to shipping & inventory management. Eventually, he found his way onto the phone with customers and managing logistics. Underlying his vast experience here at Northstar is a passion for healthy people, wholesome food, and wild places. Sean spends a few months every year guiding hunters in the mountains of northern New Mexico, experiencing the raw and incredible power of nature as a backdrop for having deep, thoughtful, challenging conversations about life with those he's guiding. Sean is ever in pursuit of the next best question to be asking. After all, if we don't know what to be asking, how can we possibly find what we may be searching for?

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